Installation of VirtualBox appliance for SECLAB DV2546 lab1 1. Unzip the files in any desired folder and modify the file “dv2546_lab1.vmdk” with a text editor modify the line: RW 123456789 FLAT "/path to raw file/dv2546_lab1.raw" 0 2. Open VirtualBox 3. Create new Virtual Machine (Ctrl+N) 4. Chose any name, type: BSD version: OpenBSD (32bits) 5. Select at least 1GB of memory size 6. Use an existing virtual hard drive and chose the unziped file “dv2546_lab1.vmdk” 7. Once created run the virtual server and log in with user: alice pass: alice 8. Default keboard layout is sv (swedish), to setup your keyboard layout use the command with the proper encoding (ex. us encoding): wsconsctl -w keyboard.enconding=us 9. If you need to use a clean installation delete the virtual machine and repeat the steps